TNR Training – Further Information

Part of Ireland's TNR Manual

How to Help Community Cats

Our TNR Training workshop is packed with information - but there's more! Here's some links to further information on the topics raised. And do feel free to *share* any information and get people Talking TNR!

How To TNR

Everything you need to know about How To TNR is in our TNR Manual - How To Help Community Cats. AND the manual has links to further information on our webpages. We'll include some links here also to make life easy for you!


We haven't yet written specific information on Policy - it comes up throughout the Manual in Best Practice boxes. But we'll be adding a specific Policy information page soon as a result of these sessions. Watch this space!

Your policy will be informed by your Animal Welfare/Animal Rights position (note this article is aimed at individuals, rather than organisations, but it is equally applicable to both). You must be clear on the position your organisation is taking, and your volunteers must be aware of their own - and if it differs from yours they must be prepared to accept that difference.

Handling Cats

As we said in the session - DON'T handle feral cats. 


  • Humane Traps & Equipment - several pages of info.
  • Paperwork - information on paperwork necessary and advised, and example forms available for download. CATalyst's forms will be available soon. In the meantime Contact Us if you'd like copies of the latter.
  • Funding - SNIP International will consider applications for specialist equipment to use in TNR programmes. Find out more here.

How To TNR in Detail

TNR & Vets

And There's More!

  • Further Reading - see the Trap Neuter Return section in particular, but I'd expect anyone attending the training session to be interested in most of the list!
  • TNR Videos - check out our collections of TNR Videos on our webpages and TNR playlists on YouTube.

Useful Organisations

Read More

Part of Ireland's TNR Manual

How to Help Community Cats