Will my companion’s personality change?
No, but unwanted behaviours may be reduced, such as roaming, mounting, fighting or urine spraying. The primary influence on an animal’s personality is training and care.
What about the risks of surgery?
Every surgical procedure carries a small degree of risk, but modern anaesthetic and surgical techniques are very safe. The risks, both short and long term, from not neutering your companion – from cancers, fighting, road accidents and unwanted pregnancies – are greater than those associated with neutering.
Should I let my companion have one litter before having her neutered?
No! This is a common myth – there is no good reason for letting your companion have one litter before she is spayed. Dogs and cats do not form a lifelong bond with their offspring, like most people do, and don’t miss the experience. Just one litter hurts – thousands of animals every year.
Will my companion get fat after being neutered?
No. Your companion doesn’t get fat from neutering, but from too much food and not enough exercise.
When should my companion have the operation?
Generally speaking, as early as possible. Most veterinarians recommend that a female be spayed before her first oestrus or ‘heat’ period (around 4 months of age). 4 months is also advised for domestic tomcats. A male dog can be neutered at 6 months to a year old, but there is no harm in treating him earlier. Younger animals tend to recover much faster from the procedure. Your vet can recommend the best time for your pet.
With community cats we recommend early-age neutering – as long as the kitten is a healthy 1kg in weight. Find out more about early-age neutering here.