
by Limerick Feral Cats

This is the best part of TNR! If it’s a client who has trapped the cat and is returning it back to its location, you can give them the following advice:

Return the cat to the location where they were trapped. Place the transfer cage/trap/cat carrier on level ground. If the cat is being returned to a built-up area, face the contained cat away from the road. Place bowls of food and water close to the transfer cage/trap/cat carrier. This is an ideal opportunity to worm dose the cat in their food, if this wasn’t already done at the clinic.

Without removing the covering from the trap, transfer cage or carrier, stand behind it and reach over it to open the exit. Stand back and patiently wait for the cat to exit.

Don’t interfere if they are slow to exit – some cats take a few minutes to weigh up the situation before making a run for it. Don’t hang around waiting for the cat to re-appear. They will be hungry and won’t come out in the open for the food until you have left.