Envisioning a Better World

‘Those of us at the heart of the animal law movement envision a world in which the lives and interests of all sentient beings are respected within the legal system, where companion animals have good, loving homes for a lifetime, where wild animals can live out their natural lives according to their instincts in an […]

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This Old Cat

This poem always brings a lump to my throat, having had several elderly felines grace my heart and home through the years – thinking in particular of Inky and Granny Weatherwax, much loved, much missed. And I think this photo of Jennifer & Inky says it all.

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Animal Rescue Truths

This poem, by Ashley Owen Hill, blew me away. I’m not sure folk who’re not active in animal welfare realise how emotionally draining, frustrating and heart-breaking it can be. But it is also totally and utterly rewarding.  Rescue is pain. Rescue is joy. Rescue is worth it… because they are worth it. And that’s the […]

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Cat Haiku

I was looking for a memorial poem for Granny’s memorial post. Found this. Cheered me up enormously. by Jon Kikuo Shishido You never feed me. Perhaps I’ll sleep on your face. That will show you. I need a new toy. Tail of black dog keeps good time. Pounce! Good dog! Good dog!

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Ten Trusts

Happy Birthday to Jane Goodall, 80 years today. I’ve so much admiration for this woman who has made so much difference for so many. And I’m reminded of The Ten Trusts, a book co-authored by herself and Marc Bekoff that I read a fair while ago – so long ago, in fact, that it looks like […]

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A Rescuer’s Answer Machine

Thanks to Toni of KLAWS Kerry for passing this on to me – I hadn’t seen it before and found a fair few varieties of it when I searched online – I’ve chosen the longest, of course. Sadly no author credit that I could find. From the last option it’s apparent that this is from […]

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Don’t Take Veterinary Treatment For Granted

The most EPIC reply to the “if you don’t treat my pet for free then you don’t love animals” argument courtesy of Dr. Virginia DeChant Thanks to Wendy Supercilious Tart Rose on Stupid things pet owners say to vets and vet nurses, a private FB group

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A Rescuer’s Creed

by Susan M Pearson I shall be a believer of all that is good in man and of all that is deserving in animals. I shall plead for their lives, campaign for their safety and uphold their right to a natural death. I shall seek out the injured and the maimed, the unloved, and the […]

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You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed

“… What does that mean, ‘tame’?” “It is an act too often neglected,” said the fox. It means to establish ties.” “‘To establish ties’?” “Just that,” said the fox. “To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need […]

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Do What’s Right

Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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EPIC Reply

The most EPIC reply to the ‘if you don’t treat my pet for free then you don’t love animals’ argument courtesy of Dr. Virginia DeChant: I’m sorry so-and-so, but I cannot help you. You see, I’m one of those veterinarians who only works because I love animals.

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No I Don’t Want to Buy Your Puppy

Courtesy of Cindi Mcneil Regan on Rushton Dog Rescue FB: No, I don’t want to buy your puppy. I am a rescuer. I’ll see him later.

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There are no bad dogs – only bad guardians

from Carole Wall The family’s dog was bought for a guard, chained to a post in a chilly back yard. Housed in a shed that was airless and dark and every few weeks had a run in the park.

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If It Should Be That I Grow Weak

If it should be that I grow weak, And pain should keep me from my sleep Then you must do what must be done, For this last battle cannot be won. You will be sad, I understand; Don’t let your grief than stay your hand For this day more than all the rest, Your love […]

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The Rainbow Bridge Rescuer’s Quilt

Originally seen on Cottage Rescue’s Facebook page in memory of Fay, the burnt Lurcher girl. As I arrived at the Rainbow Bridge, I faced all the animals who had gone there before me. Before each of us go to the Bridge, we live our lives like the squares of a quilt in many piles, mirrored in the […]

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